Clinical Cases
Descriptions of interesting events and/or practices that occur in obstetric anesthesia and have educational value for attendees. These can be reports of clinical cases or series of unusual cases that present a medical challenge, or case studies that describe innovative quality improvements or other management programs designed to solve significant problems. All abstracts should indicate the problem, describe how the problem was addressed, state the results, and provide some final observations on key issues and recommendations. For clinical cases, ensure that the patient cannot be identified from the abstract. A copy of the patient’s consent allowing their case to be presented must be uploaded during the submission process.
Research Abstracts
Only original research involving humans, animals, laboratory work, or data is accepted in this category. Research involving humans and animals must be approved or exempted by the relevant Clinical or Animal Research and/or Ethics Committees. A copy of the approval/exemption letter must be attached during the submission process. For this type of abstract, a study is only considered research if it plans to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.

Only abstracts containing original data can be submitted.


All submitted abstracts must adhere to the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki on medical research involving human subjects and the rules established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in their recommendations for conducting, reporting, editing, and publishing scholarly work in medical journals. Abstracts can only be submitted online.

Research abstracts must be structured into the following sections:

  • Title: Clearly indicate the nature of the research. If the research involves animals, indicate the animal species in the title of the abstract.
  • Background and Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion and Conclusion
  • References


For the submission of research abstracts, the approval/exemption letter from the Institutional Research Committee and the trial registration number are required.

Clinical cases should be structured into the following sections:

  • Title: Clearly indicate the nature of the case.
  • Background: What is the unique or significant problem highlighted by this case?
  • Case Description
  • Discussion
  • Learning Point: What is the key takeaway from this report?
  • References


Word Limit: The acceptable length for the abstract should not exceed 500 words. This does not include references. References can be up to 100 words.

Graph/Image: A graph/image may be included.
Table: A tatble may be included.
Language: Abstracts are accepted in both English and Spanish. Ensure your abstract is free of spelling, grammatical, or scientific errors as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. All abstracts will be presented as e-posters.

Abstract Presentation

All abstracts will be presented as electronic posters. If an abstract is accepted as an electronic poster presentation, the presenting author will be required to be available for discussion during the relevant poster presentation session. Electronic poster stations will be installed near the exhibition area. Further details on how to create your electronic poster will be sent after the abstract acceptance notification date.

Important Deadlines

  • Abstract submission starts March 1st, 2025
  • Abstract submission deadline June 30th, 2025
  • Notification of abstract acceptance July 30th, 2025
  • E-poster Presentation Submission Deadline August 15th, 2025


Where to Send Your Abstract? Participants must send their proposal to the email customerservice@wcoa2025.com within the established periods